Time to go where your heart takes you...
A time for new challenges and interests to pursue...
It's time to put your passion to work! Let us help you get there.
Doorway to Career Success
12- week Workshop Series
This set of workshops will help you if you
are unclear
about your employment goal.
This program is offered every 12 weeks.
Find your motivation for career success
Acquire a positive career mindset
Rekindle self-esteem
Build self-awareness and emotional wellness for work
Explore and research career goals
Money management
Get a grip on employment anxiety and depression
Acquire a continuous learning mindset
Physical wellness for work
Build healthier communication skills for life and work
Prepare your focused resume and cover letters
Explore entrepreneurship
Prepare for a positive job search
Positive interview skills
First Aid/CPR certification
Mental Health First Aid Training
Career Launch Essential Workplace Skills Assessments
Learn to Shine in your new career
Develop an individual action plan
Strategies to letting go, overcoming challenges, and moving toward your goals

Opening Doors to Success
One-on-one pre-employment coaching
Connect with one of our ODS coaches for individual job search and resume support
Resume and cover letter support
Potential employment connections
Interview coaching and role play
Pre-employment workshop
A one-day workshop to help you get motivated
and prepare for
a successful job search and interview
Know your whys
Overcome job search fears
Positive mindset for success
Prepare for a successful job search and interview
recognise your strengths and skills
Our services provide a step by step approach, where you identify the support you need in reaching your individual goals. We encourage and challenge you while providing accountability and tools for success.
We provide a relaxing and supportive atmosphere, whether one on one or in our comfortable workshop.
Our coaches who have also experienced employment setbacks will provide confidentiality and an empathetic ear.